Welcome to Century International Oilfield Equipment LLC

Century International Oilfield equipment is a regional leader in the supply of world-class equipment for the oil field sector including petrochemical companies, refineries, offshore agencies, and marine & shipping business.

Committed to superior product quality and service standards, century International Oilfield equipment serves the on-shore and offshore oil & gas sector through an array of products that meet all their demanding requirements. The portfolio also covers engineered products and systems, and contracting services specially suited for the petrochemical and mining industries.

The company leverages on the world-class reach of its associate, the US based Century Automation Services Inc, thus bringing the best-in-class equipment to the region.


Contact Details:
Century International Oilfield Equipment LLC
Post Box No. 25495
Mina Road, ADCB Building,7th Floor, Flat 72 & 23
Sharjah - United Arab Emirates
Tele: +971 6 5750937
Fax : +971 6 5726199
Contact Name : Mr. Mohideen
Mobile : + 971 50 6327532
Email : cioe@eim.ae
Email :
Website : http://Century.dubaiexporters.com