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Arko Paint & Resin Company, Iran

Listed Under: Automotive Paints | Automotive
Here at ARKO PAINT & RESIN Co., we are very much honored to introduce ourselves as one of the leading producers of standard polyester putty and one of the top suppliers of this product in Iran. We manufacture a wide range of high-quality products including automobile refinish coats, industrial paints, resins and other similar material.

Product Details
Automobile Refinish Coats, Industrial Paints, And Resins: Polyurethane Paint, Alkyd Paint, Nitro Cellulose Paint, Basecoats Paint, Resin, Polyester Putty, Fiber Glass Putty, Nc Putty, Nitrocellulose Primer, Acrylic Primer, Alkyd Primer, Spray Filler (Polyester Primer), Acrylic Clear Coat, Clear &Amp; Hardener, Mastic (Auto, Industrial, Building).

Arko, Appex, Polinoyco, Polyvan, Plized, Plikim

Contact Information
Company: Arko Paint & Resin Company
Address: 3Rd 30 Metri St / Shahid Salimi Industrial Town, T
Telephone: 09030869517
Fax: NA

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