We wish to introduce our selves as one of the leading manufacturers & exporters of GTC brand After market engine parts for Truck, Tractors, Automobiles, Agricultural and Earthmoving engines from India since 1958.Our products are Cylinder Liners/sleeves, Piston, Piston ringsets, Engine valves, valve guide, valve seat,Engine bearings & bushes, Connecting rods etc for LISTER ,PETTER,DUETZ, PERKINS,LOMBARDINI, CATERPILLAR, CUMMINS, KOMATSU,MERCEEDES, VOLVO, SCANIA, JAPENESE VEHICLES, ETC...The product catalogs for the parts for the engines you are interested can be sent to you on your request by email. We are in this trade since 1958 and our quality of goods a very well accepted by our clients in overseas market.We have received many awards and trophies in appreciation of quality and services |