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Prayer Beads, United Arab Emirates

Listed Under: Jewellery | Consumer and Household
PRAYER BEADS is a leading online store, which specializes in designing, production and sale of prayer beads. Our craftsmen use only authentic genuine materials such as: natural gems and fine wood as well as hand-made accessories of the highest quality. We use only beads made of natural stones originating from all corners of the world: Africa, Brazil, Australia, Southeast Asia, Russia, India, China and other countries and regions. We select only the best gems for our products and each bead go through 2 level quality control including strict defect testing.

Product Details
Online Prayer Beads Store


Contact Information
Company: Prayer Beads
Address: Office 434, Building A3, Dwc, Dubai Logistics CityBusiness Park,
United Arab Emirates
Telephone: 0543069093
Fax: NA

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