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Electronic transition of three vehicle-related services from August

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) will embark on Phase II of the Electronic Transition of Services Project, by offering three vehicle related service online with effect from August 15th 2016.

These services are renewing vehicle registration card for individuals, issuing vehicle registration card in replacement of a lost one, and renewing the retention of a licensing plate. These services, which apply to vehicles of less than three years in use, are accessible through RTA website, Drivers and Vehicles app, and self-service kiosks (Nafethati).

The launch of this phase follows the successful completion of the initial phase of the project launched last year targeting the corporate sector, which resulted in pushing the electronic transition to as much as 90%.

Ahmed Bahrozyan, CEO of RTA's Licensing Agency said, "We would gradually cease the offering of some services through customers' service centers starting from August 15th. The services would be re-routed to RTA portal (, the smart app (Drivers & Vehicles) and the self-service kiosks (Nafethati).The services to be diverted are renewing vehicle registration for individuals whose vehicles do not require testing, issuing vehicle registration card in replacement of a lost one, and renewing number retention service. These services are applicable to vehicles with less than three years of age."

RTA continuously endeavors to provide the best means and channels of delivering services matching to the highest international standards in offering individual and corporate services. A team of RTA attends to the realization of the vision of our government aimed at reducing the number of customers visiting customers' service centers by offering accessible and safe service delivery channels to maximize their happiness rating.

The alternative smart and electronic apps are immensely popular with the business sector as well as individuals since they save much of their time and effort as well as the hassles of waiting for processing their transactions.

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Posted on :7/28/2016