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Korea is ready to build industrial base to serve Abu Dhabi 2030 : Korean minister

Roots of cooperation between Abu Dhabi and Korea Jung-gwan, have gone deep into the ground and the two partners are now reaping the harvest in stronger bilateral cooperation agreements in economic and cultural domains, according to deputy minister at the Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy.

Speaking today at the Abu Dhabi and Korea Investment Forum, the Korean minister said the event would see the two sides sealing more agreements.

The forum was organised by Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development in association with the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) and Ministry Economy and Knowledge.

He reviewed 30 years of joint cooperation between the UAE and Korea, saying the two partners can further boost their trade and investment relations and forge partnerships to foray into the emerging markets. He said Korea was ready to assist in building a viable industrial base in consistence with Abu Dhabi Vision 2030. For his part Mohammed Omar Abdullah, Undersecretary of the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development, called on Emarati and Korean investors to seize the investment opportunities available in both countries.

He commended a joint venture announced today by Hadeed Emirates Industries and Sunglim Plant System for steel structure projects as promising. He affirmed Abu Dhabi's sincere desire to further develop its economic relations with Korea to serve Abu Dhabi Vision 2030 especially on Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs, science and technology, infrastructure, financial and health services and e-governance, environment, statistics, intellectual property rights and patents. WAM/TF

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Posted on :10/27/2010