The RTA recently launched another channel for transactions related to your used car in Dubai. It is known as the i-counter. It is a small, smart and unified customer service center that will be available 24/7. The i-counter is like smart kiosk and will enable used car owners to process self-service transactions.
At these i-counters all transactions except cash payments and transaction printouts are available. Payment of traffic fines, licensing or renewal of car registration and issuing or renewing a driving license is offered by it.
Moreover, it can also issue lost car registration cards, vehicle ownership certificates, insurance premium reimbursement certificate as well as clearance certificates. Users can also make queries. It will be offered in 5 languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Urdu and Malayalam.
The RTA likewise plans to include more services such as topping up Nol cards or seasonal parking cards and payment refunds in the near future.
As of now, the plan is to place 4 machines at Umm Rasool Customer Happiness Center, 3 in Dubai Ferry and 3 more in the Smart Bus. In the second phase, the RTA intends to increase the quantity of machines. They plan to add then to 700 taxis and at client happiness centers in Al Barsha and Al Tawar.
These smart kiosks or self-serve machines were launched a few years prior and are very well known. Additionally, these machines show a mighty increment of 324 percent in number of transactions processed from 2017 to 2018.