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UAE industrial giant in the mining business to elevate aluminium production after smelter upgrade

UAE industrial giant EGA, one of the largest industrial companies in the UAE outside oil and gas, has recently announced the start-up of the first section of an enlargement to the company’s Al Taweelah smelter.

The twenty six new reduction cells at potline 1 at Al Taweelah will now advance to produce 30,000 tonnes of aluminium per year.

In total the company mentioned that it is building 66 new reduction cells to extend all 3 potlines at Al Taweelah. The project will is said to grealty increase production capacity at Al Taweelah by some 78,000 tonnes of hot metal per year.

The company stated, that the start-up of the extension to potline 2 and then potline 3 will take place later this year.

Overall the project’s finishing point stands at 70% on schedule regardless of the challenges of Covid-19, the company added.

“This project is to increase the production at Al Taweelah which is part of our ongoing debottlenecking of production and investment in high return growth opportunities. The world needs aluminium to build back better after Covid-19, and this development will enable us to supply even more of the metal we all need”, mentioned Top official.

The aluminium sector as a whole is one of the UAE’s largest industries, accounting for 1.4% of the economy and assisting 60,000 jobs in UAE.

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Posted on :5/4/2021