Dubai's Hassyan Power Co., which recently converted from clean coal to natural gas, will add capacity over the next 2 years to reach 2,400 MW, the emirate's state utility said on 7th February 2022.
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) confirmed that the current production capacity of Hassyan reached 1,200 MW using the Independent Power Producer (IPP) model. A further 600 MW will be added in Q4 of 2022 and an additional 600 MW will be added by Q3 of 2023, it said in a statement.
The Hassyan plant, which uses ultra-supercritical technology, is designed to operate full time on both gas and coal and was the 1st clean coal-based power plant in the Middle East region. It now operates only on natural gas, in line with Dubai's strategy which targets producing all of the emirate's energy from clean energy sources by 2050.
Hassyan Energy is a joint venture between ACWA Power Harbin Holding Company (49 percent) and DEWA (51 percent). The power complex includes a water desalination project.