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UAE-India Forum To Explore Investment Opportunities

The UAE-India Investment Forum, which was hosted by Khaleej Times at Conrad Hotel in Dubai on 15th March 2022, aims to herald a new beginning in the flourishing economic ties between the 2 countries.

The UAE Ministry of Economy and the Consulate General of India, Dubai, have endorsed the marquee event.

The forum will be an ideal meeting ground to discuss new opportunities, the potential to attract investors across sectors, sovereign wealth funds, large corporations, and industries.

Some of the topics that will be discussed at the event include the strategic importance of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Cepa); the start-up ecosystem; bilateral food security; information technology; and healthcare partnerships, among others. Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, the UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Trade; Dr Ahmed Abdul Rahman Albanna, the UAE’s Ambassador to India; Sunjay Sudhir, Indian Ambassador to the UAE; Dr Aman Puri, Consul-General of India, Dubai; and top business leaders will speak at the forum.

“Cepa opens doors to countless opportunities for both trade and investment. We expect bilateral trade to reach $100 (Dh367) billion in the next 5 years. The agreement is futuristic, comprehensive, and ambitious with a holistic coverage of a wide range of sectors and commitments including over hundred sub-sectors in services, intellectual property rights (IPR), government procurement, digital trade, telecom,” Ambassador Sunjay Sudhir said.

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Posted on :4/1/2022