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LED Outdoor Lighting: Protecting The Investment

Energy-efficient, durable and long-lasting: These are just a few of the advantages of LED lighting technology, which is increasingly being deployed in a wide range of applications. As global demand for energy-efficient systems grows alongside trends such as urban modernization and the development of smart city infrastructures, LEDs are making inroads into outdoor areas including building exteriors, highways and public spaces.

Whether they are powering digital signage and electronic displays or lighting up large spaces such as parking lots and recreation areas, LEDs are proving to be a low-maintenance solution that can provide years of service life. These benefits make them particularly valuable in remote or inaccessible locations. LEDs also may be chosen over other types of light sources for qualities such as flame retardancy and low outgassing — and their color-rendering abilities and programmability make them an ideal fit for creating dazzling visuals from the Las Vegas Strip to the world’s tallest performing fountain in Dubai.

While the cost of LED deployment can be somewhat higher than traditional lighting, it is likely to be outweighed by the resulting power savings and reduced replacement expenditures. Yet this equation changes if the investment is not protected. In outdoor LED installations, one aspect of this is ensuring resilience against changing environmental conditions.

In many parts of the world, this includes repeated exposure to harsh winter cycles over the bulbs’ long years of service. The importance of protection from the elements extends to warmer climates as well, given the world’s increasing environmental volatility.

Given the energy efficiency and long service life of LEDs, it’s no surprise that the role they play in lighting the world is on the rise. But it’s also important to keep in mind the fact that the world is changing, which makes the investment in LED technology more challenging. Unlike lower-cost elastomers, premium gasketing materials such as Norseal silicones meet or exceed specifications tuned to environmental volatility. The products are a solid choice not just for protecting today’s investment, but also for building resiliency into the requirements of tomorrow.

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Posted on :11/4/2022