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Launch of Bottled Water Business Group and Circular Packaging Association by Dubai Chamber of Commerce

The Dubai Chamber of Commerce, one of three chambers operating under Dubai Chambers, announced the formation of two new business groups: the Bottled Water Business Group and the Circular Packaging Association, as part of its efforts to increase the private sector's contributions to the emirate's economy.

The Chamber's plans to expand the number of business groups that represent various economic sectors and activities in Dubai. This will help to ensure that all sectors and activities are represented, which will improve competition and spur growth in Dubai.

President and CEO of Dubai Chambers Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah stated: "The creation of new business groups forms part of our strategy to enhance the private sector's contribution to sustainable development, boost the competitiveness of the business community and its capacity to innovate in the face of challenges and empower the private sector to play a role in formulating policies and legislation that drive growth across diverse industries and activities.

Lootah emphasised the significance of business groups as representatives and trustworthy advocates for their respective sectors and highlighted in particular, their role in recommending policy changes to increase a sector's attractiveness and competitiveness while promoting global best practices and fostering economic growth. He said, "The Chamber is moving ahead with its goals to have 100 different business organisations representing various economic sectors and activities." This "reflects the diversity and agility of the emirate's economy as well as the Chamber's dedication to fulfilling the wise leadership's ambition to solidify Dubai's position as a worldwide capital of finance and business," the Chamber said.

In order to achieve the goals, visions, strategies and economic development plans that Dubai has announced, as well as to strengthen partnerships between the public and private sectors and add value for all stakeholders, Lootah continued, "Our objective is to unify efforts from all companies operating in these two sectors and representing their interests.

The Circular Packaging Association, which is led by Priya Sarma Mathur, Senior Sustainability Head at Unilever Middle East & Turkey seeks to contribute to the implementation of the UAE Circular Economy Policy , raise consumer awareness of the value of sustainable packaging and offer advice and recommendations on laws and regulations pertaining to sustainable packaging at the federal and local levels.

The Bottled Water Business Group, meanwhile concentrates on promoting and improving the industry's practices in line with global standards for sustainability, in a way that safeguards the environment and improves Dubai's standing as a sustainable and eco-friendly travel destination. The Group also wants to improve the water bottling and distribution network in a safe and sustainable way that reduces carbon emissions and aids in creating a bright future for the industry. This will be done in partnership with business partners.

Business groups are a crucial part of the business community and help advance commercial and investment activity in the emirates by supporting the development of capacities and expertise while boosting the competitive advantage of Dubai's business community. They play a significant role in promoting and supporting economic growth in Dubai. Currently, 30 business organisations representing diverse industries and activities are operating under the auspices of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce.

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Posted on :12/5/2022