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Tanzanian Water Projects And Networks Benefit Millions Of People

An additional million people will benefit from Tanzania's water infrastructure and networks, expanding Suqia UAE's project.

The UAE Water Aid Foundation (Suqia UAE) is implementing sustainable water projects for one million people in the Republic of Tanzania thanks to a grant from Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. As a result, the number of people globally who have benefited from Suqia UAE's projects has increased from 13.9 million to 14.9 million since its founding in 2015. Suqia UAE is excavating new artesian wells and maintaining existing wells in collaboration with the Emirates Red Crescent to supply clean and safe drinking water to the people living in various Tanzanian areas and villages.

Together with the Emirates Red Crescent, a delegation from Suqia travelled to Tanzania to finalise plans to start water project implementation in tandem with the appropriate Tanzanian authorities.

A cooperation agreement was signed with the Human Relief Foundation in Tanzania in the presence of HE Khalifa Al Marzouqi, the UAE's ambassador to Tanzania. The agreement aims to expand the scope of beneficiaries by supplying water networks in villages and rural areas and digging wells to provide water in areas suffering from pollution and water scarcity.

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Posted on :6/25/2024