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Launching the Center for Industrial Competencies Alongside Brics Partners is UAE.

In order to promote the development of industrial skills and capabilities, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology launched the Center for Industrial Competences alongside its BRICS counterparts.

At the BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting, which brought together the industry, commerce, and technology ministries from the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, and South Africa, a declaration was made. With "strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security" as its topic, Russia is chairing the gathering.

In order to identify interests, difficulties, and possibilities in the quickly changing industrial landscape, the center will foster partnerships within the framework of the New Industrial Revolution (NIR). The center also seeks to support industry and help its members advance their industrial skills.

The meeting's chairman, Russia, was praised by Omar Al Suwaidi, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology. He declared, "BRICS countries indicate a major possibility for joint industrial advancement and sustainable development, since they account for over a third of global GDP and nearly 45 percent of the world's population. In order to take advantage of these shared economic opportunities—which are crucial for sustainable development and a way to tackle pressing global issues like food security and climate change—the UAE is dedicated to fortifying its relationships with its international allies."

He went on, "The ministry is eager to contribute to the working groups formed by this cooperation and to bring its experience to bear in order to foster and facilitate industrial growth for the benefit of all involved parties. The proclamation calls for talks to form a number of working groups pertaining to the medical equipment, clean technology, smart manufacturing, metals, SMEs, and chemical industry.

In the declaration, the participants reaffirmed their dedication to collaborating on industrial policy in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, particularly SDG 9 on infrastructure, industry, and innovation, which includes the use of green technologies. Furthermore acknowledged in the declaration is the function of the PartNIR (Partnership on New Industrial Revolution) Innovation Center, which specializes in project development, staff training, and policy coordination.

Events including the BRICS Industrial Innovation Contest, the BRICS Forum on Future Networks Innovation, the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Exhibition, and the BRICS Forum on PartNIR have all taken place at the center. The signatories acknowledged the BRICS Startup Forum's efforts to assist start-up ventures, which are vital to advancing economic growth and innovation in the New Industrial Revolution period. A review of the agreements and decisions reached at earlier meetings to strengthen BRICS cooperation in industrialization, innovation, inclusivity, and investment—including the Johannesburg II Declaration from August 23, 2023—was held as the meeting came to a close. The delegates gave Brazil their full support to host the BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting in 2025.

Six new members, including the United Arab Emirates, who formally joined in January 2024, were invited to join BRICS in August 2023. By 2040, BRICS economies are predicted to make up 45% of the world GDP.

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Posted on :8/27/2024