Crown Metal Works is an INDIA Based company,Which is a Leading manufacturer of Gynecology,Orthopedic Implants,Equipments,Instruments,Orthopedic Drills,Tools, Hospital Stainless Steel Holloware,E.N.T,,General Instruments and Equipments. The Company was set up By Shri A.N.Bhardwaj Since 1971,The company s strength also lies in custom made instruments.
Products/Services :- orthopedic equipments/Implants,medical instruments

Gulf & World Traders (GWT) is a 100% local company dedicated to health care needs of the country. GWT was established in 1969 as the flagship of the today s Belhoul Group with the vision of its founder Dr. Juma Khalfan Belhoul, to provide United Arab Emirates with the most advanced hi-tech health care related products.
Products/Services :- Reverse osmosis desalination plants

Dedicating more than 27 years service to surgeon s care, Medimec is one of the most reputed manufacturer and exporter of a Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) We have been awarded with an ISO 9001:2000, CE & WHO GMP Certification for providing high quality products. We endeavor to maintain the quality and uniqueness of our products and deliver it on schedule. Our Quality Policy to provide product & services, which consistently meet or exceed the expectation of our customers and be the leader in the mark
Products/Services :- Multiload Cu375